The Cameroon Tribune is a Cameroonian general daily newspaper created by the government in 1974.
In two versions, mixing articles in English and others in French.
PRINT: 8,000 copies
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The Cameroon Tribune is a Cameroonian general daily newspaper created by the government in 1974.
This newspaper has long remained the only authorized newspaper in Cameroon. Originally, it was published in two versions, a French version and an English version. Nevertheless, poor sales forced him in the mid-1980s to merge the two versions, mixing articles in English and others in French.
Reputed to be very close to the Cameroonian state, Cameroonians for a while brought little credibility to the announcements of the Cameroon Tribune often nicknamed the "newspaper of good news" or "the voice of Etoudi" (Etoudi is the district of Yaoundé in which is located the presidential palace), it is now the benchmark for the publication of legal information.
The Cameroon Tribune is a Cameroonian general daily newspaper created by the government in 1974.
In two versions, mixing articles in English and others in French.
PRINT: 8,000 copies
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